Life Size Amphibian Ceramic Art Exhibit

Now On Display Inside the Essex County Environmental Center.

Young Artists from BratkoArt Studio within the Essex County Park System Riker Hill Art Park created a ceramic sculpture that represents the biological diversity of our local amphibians.

In collaboration with Environmental Center Senior Naturalist/Conservation Biologist and Author of Hop Into Action David Alexander, student artists learned about New Jersey’s frogs, toads and salamanders that inhabit our local woodland and wetland ecosystems and created life size anatomically accurate representations.

For more information about BratkoArt’s Pottery at the Riker Hill Art Park, Drawing, Painting, Clay & Stone Sculpture Classes or Ivan Bratko, Ukranian visual artist, potter, sculptor, art educator and consultant please reach out at 973.495.6574 or

David Alexander is a professional outdoor guide and conservation biologist.  He enjoys making nature more accessible to people and wildlife.  You can follow him at

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